Tuesday 26 June 2012

Mid-year break.

I am now happily on a four week break from college.

It feels like a well deserved break, but i can assure you i intend on keeping busy. In addition to the long list of personal things to do on my To Do List i might also try find the time (and money) to get out and explore more of what Canberra and it's surrounding areas have to offer :]

I would like to take a trip to the coast, because it has been so long since i saw the ocean and hopefully a journey down to the snow fields.

Here is photograph of a collection of brochures i collected from the Information Centre in Dickson yesterday.


Holiday fun let-down :[

Whilst cleaning up and re-arranging my belongings within the apartment over the weekend, i stumbled upon something  i forgot i had. It is my father's old Kodak Instamatic 233 film camera.

I was really excited by this initially, but after taking time to research whether or not i could still purchase the specialised 126 film, it appears my excitement can no longer be fully fulfilled. Shame about that.

Apart from the screws holding it all together, the camera is plastic. It comes in a funky little all-in-one retro leather/vinyl carry case that hangs around your neck. It unclips and folds down away from the front of the camera so you can take a picture. So old school cool i reckon :]

Here is an edited photograph from my iPhone of the camera.


Kodak Instamtic 233 film camera.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Personal summary of Semester 1.

Just thought i would post how i feel i did regarding each major assignment and test so that once i do receive my marks i can look back on this. Why not ay :)

P - Pass
CR - Credit
D - Distinction
HD - High Distinction


TECHNOLOGY (overall) = D
Technology Test
Hoping for - D
Result - CR (missed out on a D by one mark dam-it)

Technology Major Assignment
Hoping for - D
Result - HD

WORKSHOP (overall) = HD
Photo-Documentary Assignment
Hoping for - D
Result - D

Camera Basics Test
Hoping for - CR / D
Result - D

Lens Research Assignment
Hoping for - D
Result - D

Lens Testing Assignment
Hoping for - CR
Result - P

Studio Major Assignment
Hoping for - CR
Result - D

VISUAL CULTURE (overall) = D
Conceptual Folio
Hoping for - D
Result - 

Art History / Theory
Hoping for - P
Result - D

ELECTIVE (overall) = CR
Wet Darkroom Techniques
Hoping for - P
Result - CR

Holiday fun = Mamiya RZ67 Pro II :]

Recently, i decided to ask CIT staff if i could hire out one of the MAMIYA-67 film cameras during the holiday break. They are an amazing camera, one of the highest standard pieces of kit for it's time and one that is still extremely well respected today. They are built like a tank, require your full attention, sound absolutely awesome and produce an enormous amount of detail within the 6cm x 7cm film negative that they produce - of which you will only manage 10 from a roll of 120 film.

After putting the question to CIT staff, it was agreed that i could go ahead with this request. I am really quite excited by this :)

My plan is to take a trip for a day or three through the surrounding areas of Canberra and simply take one single photograph from each interesting town or location i stumble across or remarkable person i might meet.

So much about it fascinates me, i see it as a good challenge for me as an up-n-coming photographer. Its mechanical operation and functionality also makes it special in comparison to what i am used to using - kind of like stepping out of a Bugatti Veyron and getting back behind the wheel of a 57 Chevrolet.


Here is some further information on the Mamiya RZ67 - click this link

And some images of this beast - click here


One day left...

Okay, so tomorrow is my final day of semester 1 for the year.

I have a 10minute class presentation to give in the morning and then that will be everything completed. Once everyone has delivered their presentations, we will all then venture up to Olims Hotel to celebrate this occasion.

Congratulations to those who delivered their presentations last Thursday, they were very enjoyable and i'm confident the presentations delivered tomorrow will be just as good.

Mine is ready to go, not sure if it is going to do well, but it is unlike anything that has been delivered thus far, so perhaps that will be to my advantage. See how i go :)

On another note, i am very eager to know how i went with my other major assignments and tests. So far i do know i missed out on a D (distinction) for the Technology test by one mark to give me a CR (credit) and a HD (high distinction) for my promotional poster for the same subject. This is encouraging for me, but i just want to know dam it...

I am quietly confident of another D or three :)


Free Furniture !

Two weeks ago, a work mate of mine at Woolworths, asked if i would like to take some of his furniture from him, free of charge. Considering i had no furniture, i graciously accepted and organised to go collect it asap.

Here's what i managed to score - a two seater couch and a fold-out bean-bag chair :)


Monday 4 June 2012

Nice find :)

Someone on level three of my apartment block decided to leave this little item out for collection yesterday. So i went ahead and collected it in my grasp and carried up to my unit and i am now happily sitting on it as i type this blog entry - and let me tell you it is certainly a lot comfier than the timber side draw thing i was using :P

Some good karma perhaps?
