Wednesday 20 June 2012

One day left...

Okay, so tomorrow is my final day of semester 1 for the year.

I have a 10minute class presentation to give in the morning and then that will be everything completed. Once everyone has delivered their presentations, we will all then venture up to Olims Hotel to celebrate this occasion.

Congratulations to those who delivered their presentations last Thursday, they were very enjoyable and i'm confident the presentations delivered tomorrow will be just as good.

Mine is ready to go, not sure if it is going to do well, but it is unlike anything that has been delivered thus far, so perhaps that will be to my advantage. See how i go :)

On another note, i am very eager to know how i went with my other major assignments and tests. So far i do know i missed out on a D (distinction) for the Technology test by one mark to give me a CR (credit) and a HD (high distinction) for my promotional poster for the same subject. This is encouraging for me, but i just want to know dam it...

I am quietly confident of another D or three :)


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