Saturday 31 March 2012

Movin' on up :)

Well, what a busy week it has been.. to make a long story short.. i finally have had enough of the people i was living with and thankfully am now in a new place - an affordable 1 bedroom city apartment - where i am currently blogging this information from the comforts of my air-bed whilst the night's noises make themselves known through my windows, which mind you are letting in a very pleasant outside temperature :)

The move (two and a half car-loads) was swift and efficient, and apart from a bit of help from Dru Maasepp yesterday, was done all by myself. Nothing new considering i did this 3 times last year in Brisbane for the same reason (crap housemates) and then once more to Canberra. So you might say i have had a bit of practise.

I must say it is nice being alone for a change - i can eat, shit and shower whenever i want without someone ready to report on my noise levels and whether or not the toilet flushed properly!! I no longer need to be concerned about the security of my gear or how will i try start an interesting conversation with this lethargic slob and narcissistic bitch. I also don't have a negative vibe floating around.

Okay, i'll stop now, but now that that is off my chest i will say that it is all still sinking in. The fact i managed to find this place, inspect it, do all the official stuff and get my belongings in and now unpacked and sorted within 5 days and only miss one class is great and i am dam proud of myself for that!

I look forward to the benefits this place will offer me too. I have always said "you'll never get me living in the heart of a city in a multi-story apartment", but hey, i am finding this apartment living interesting and am sure to discover so much more as i continue to settle in, because it is a total contrast for me compared to what i grew up with (a yard and a driveway haha). I'm guaranteed this unit till last day of this year with the possibility of renewing after that. I am less than 1km from where i study, and even closer to the CBD. Only have to drive to work now,which will save some dollars. Sure it can be noisy at times compared to living in the suburbs, but my rent here is less than where i was, per week. I have the most amazing views. The place has character and their are plenty of characters living above, below and beside me. I also like that there is a fire-hose-reel just outside my front door, it will go well with my extinguisher, if not i'll simply hurl the hose over the railing and slide down the thing haha :)

Well ,it's late and i have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. Until next post.

A panoramic iPhone shot of Coorong Apartments.

A panoramic iPhone shot of the main living area.

A panoramic iPhone shot of my bedroom as i blog the night away.

A panoramic iPhone shot of my view to the East :)

A panoramic iPhone shot of my view to the West :)

The contents of my fridge - day 1.


Monday 19 March 2012

Sky-Fire 2012


Well, what an eventful evening :)

Thanks to Michael and Kylie for meeting up with me for the afternoon and into the evening, i really appreciated the company and thanks for staying so upbeat once the rain arrived and we all were forced to squish into my car in order to keep our camera gear safe and dry.

A shout-out to Angus, Subas and Jess for making contact with me and endeavouring to catch up, shame the weather made us duck for shelter haha maybe we will have more luck net year.

Below are a few photos i captured from the night - none of the fireworks - i kind of lost interest once the rain hit and besides, i was happy to sit back and watch how Michael and Kylie operated their Nikon's from the shelter of my 4x4 to try freeze the exploding lights.

Funny night, now that i think back to it.


i cannot show you what happened next.

RAAF Roulettes - always a hit with the crowds.

the old loop-the-loop.

taking the focus off Canberra's attractions for a moment.

that's right baby, i do have a big shiny medal.

entering the frame nicely from the corner - what precision pilots :)

this way, not that way, but what about my way..

wait for me......

approaching rain-cloud made for a stunning back-drop.

six pilots sharing a G or six.

too good of a moment not to photograph.

the cloud-cover continued to get better and better.

and then it changed completely - superb.

Shootin' Hoops.

It was nice to have a few classmates join me in the campus hall to shoot a few hoops in-between classes - cheers Joel, Dru Will-i-am and Kylie :)

Considering how many people have been cool enough to come join me play basketball, i'm quietly confident we will have enough to play a game one day soon.

Here are a few shots i took.
Dru putting serious effort into a few long-range bombs.
Joel with a nice technique and mad no-look passing.
Kylie with grace and poise - think she just likes to jump.
Especially if there's a spectator nearby.
Will-i-am composing himself, then going crazy to reach new heights.

As for how i went... no one will ever know ;)


Saturday 17 March 2012

Canberra Day.


Canberra Day, a public holiday to celebrate this great city.. however i find it quite ironic that most people piss-off down to the coast.

Anyway i had the pleasure of meeting up with Lisa and Dru early-afternoon for a bit of a look around Canberra (Lisa hasn't seen much yet) with our camera gear to see what we could come up with and who we could bump into along the way.

I had fun, they both seemed to as well, so all in all not a bad day. Thanks again guys :)

Below are a handful of frames i shot throughout the day.


Dru Maasepp (with 'harsh' fill flash)

Lisa Bush (with 'not enough' fill flash)

Me (with 'okay' fill flash) thanks Dru and Lisa :)

Two friendly yong ladies we chatted with at Telstra Tower.
Like us, they are new to Canberra so i offered to take a good photo :)
I like the result.

A cormorant airing out the feathers on a floating log.
Only had my 50mm attached to the camera :(

I find the National Museum an interesting structure - must re-visit.

Some more angles of the National Museum

Some more angles of the National Museum
Fireworks in Commonwealth Park
I like this shot because it almost looks like
a love heart above the seated couple :)

Friday 16 March 2012

2012 Lifeline book fair


This morning i headed just down the road to Canberra's Exhibition grounds for the 2012 Lifeline book-fair.

I am extremely pleased with my purchase today, i'm not normally one to splurge, but i have always had a soft-spot for photography books - i like my books. These new additions will go nicely with the ones i already have.

Thanks to all those involved in making such an event possible :)


24 photography books for $111 - nice one!

Saturday 10 March 2012

Happy Birthday Bella !

It is my beloved boxer's 6th birthday today.. missing her, but realise she is happy and well at home with my parents. Hope she enjoys the big treat i sent her :)

Have a good day pooch!

8 weeks old

always ready to play

only a face i could love

always by my side - till now

enjoys a moment of rest

10/3/2012 at age 6 - thanks for the pic dad


Tuesday 6 March 2012


I like to think i'm a fairly humble sort of person - grateful for the things i have etc, but here are a few things on my wish list:




Reduce, Re-use, Recycle

There's more than just us living on this planet remember

be grateful - not greedy!

Okay now that that's off my chest..

A super-sexy HASSELBLAD 500 cm - medium format film camera.

Mamiya RZ67 Pro II - medium format film camera.

Canon 50E film camera
All current EOS lenses work on this camera.

A sweet-as panoramic camera.

Canon 1Dx

Canon 100mm L f/2.8 IS USM macro lens.

Canon 50mm f1.2 L USM lens.

Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5 L tilt-shift lens.

Canon 17-40mm f/4 L USM wide-angle lens.

Canon 100-400mm f/4.4-5.6 L IS USM telephoto lens.
to be free enough to get out & see the world with
the woman of my dreams and our faithful companion

and receive a 100th birthday card ;)
