Monday 19 March 2012

Sky-Fire 2012


Well, what an eventful evening :)

Thanks to Michael and Kylie for meeting up with me for the afternoon and into the evening, i really appreciated the company and thanks for staying so upbeat once the rain arrived and we all were forced to squish into my car in order to keep our camera gear safe and dry.

A shout-out to Angus, Subas and Jess for making contact with me and endeavouring to catch up, shame the weather made us duck for shelter haha maybe we will have more luck net year.

Below are a few photos i captured from the night - none of the fireworks - i kind of lost interest once the rain hit and besides, i was happy to sit back and watch how Michael and Kylie operated their Nikon's from the shelter of my 4x4 to try freeze the exploding lights.

Funny night, now that i think back to it.


i cannot show you what happened next.

RAAF Roulettes - always a hit with the crowds.

the old loop-the-loop.

taking the focus off Canberra's attractions for a moment.

that's right baby, i do have a big shiny medal.

entering the frame nicely from the corner - what precision pilots :)

this way, not that way, but what about my way..

wait for me......

approaching rain-cloud made for a stunning back-drop.

six pilots sharing a G or six.

too good of a moment not to photograph.

the cloud-cover continued to get better and better.

and then it changed completely - superb.

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