Saturday 31 March 2012

Movin' on up :)

Well, what a busy week it has been.. to make a long story short.. i finally have had enough of the people i was living with and thankfully am now in a new place - an affordable 1 bedroom city apartment - where i am currently blogging this information from the comforts of my air-bed whilst the night's noises make themselves known through my windows, which mind you are letting in a very pleasant outside temperature :)

The move (two and a half car-loads) was swift and efficient, and apart from a bit of help from Dru Maasepp yesterday, was done all by myself. Nothing new considering i did this 3 times last year in Brisbane for the same reason (crap housemates) and then once more to Canberra. So you might say i have had a bit of practise.

I must say it is nice being alone for a change - i can eat, shit and shower whenever i want without someone ready to report on my noise levels and whether or not the toilet flushed properly!! I no longer need to be concerned about the security of my gear or how will i try start an interesting conversation with this lethargic slob and narcissistic bitch. I also don't have a negative vibe floating around.

Okay, i'll stop now, but now that that is off my chest i will say that it is all still sinking in. The fact i managed to find this place, inspect it, do all the official stuff and get my belongings in and now unpacked and sorted within 5 days and only miss one class is great and i am dam proud of myself for that!

I look forward to the benefits this place will offer me too. I have always said "you'll never get me living in the heart of a city in a multi-story apartment", but hey, i am finding this apartment living interesting and am sure to discover so much more as i continue to settle in, because it is a total contrast for me compared to what i grew up with (a yard and a driveway haha). I'm guaranteed this unit till last day of this year with the possibility of renewing after that. I am less than 1km from where i study, and even closer to the CBD. Only have to drive to work now,which will save some dollars. Sure it can be noisy at times compared to living in the suburbs, but my rent here is less than where i was, per week. I have the most amazing views. The place has character and their are plenty of characters living above, below and beside me. I also like that there is a fire-hose-reel just outside my front door, it will go well with my extinguisher, if not i'll simply hurl the hose over the railing and slide down the thing haha :)

Well ,it's late and i have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. Until next post.

A panoramic iPhone shot of Coorong Apartments.

A panoramic iPhone shot of the main living area.

A panoramic iPhone shot of my bedroom as i blog the night away.

A panoramic iPhone shot of my view to the East :)

A panoramic iPhone shot of my view to the West :)

The contents of my fridge - day 1.


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