Saturday 28 April 2012

Angry on Anzac Day!


Well... what a day to forget that was!

The night before this i had struck a frustrating problem with my lens research assignment that i was trying to finalise. Long story short, i would spend an amount of time working in it, adding text and images etc to improve its overall appeal, ensuring to save along the way and then all of a sudden whilst trying to save again it would simply have a melt-down and display an error message telling me some computer mumbo-jumbo that made no sense and the file was nowhere to be seen!?!?!?! So an hour of work then had to be re-done. This happened twice!

So at 1am in the morning this was almost causing me to become violent, but instead of this i decided to out-whit the computer and devised a plan to save and then back-up the same file to both of my USB sticks. Thankfully this plan worked nicely, because the error/problem happened again three more times. This all said, you could imagine how agitated i was whilst trying to settle and fall asleep at 3am. There goes my plan to go checkout the dawn service at the war museum :(

Anyway, after an awkward sleep i finally woke at 10am still agitated, but determined to finalise this dam lens research assignment because i was confident i was onto a good thing. By 1pm it was all done and i thought brilliant, that's one major assignment down, now i can finally get out of the house and start shooting stuff for Lindi's major film assignment.

Once downstairs and in my car, i noticed a plastic packet (like a money bag) with a piece of paper inside under the passenger-side windscreen wiper blade. An $81 dollar parking fine?!?!?!? What the!?!?!?! I am going to dispute this crap.

So anyway, tired and grumpy turned into wanting to kick something multiple times and yell expletives at the top of my lungs. However, I had a job to do and needed to soldier on. My plan was to travel down to the Brindabella Business Park and photograph some of the quite astonishing architecture/buildings within the estate. It is something i have had in the back of my mind to do ever since driving past it not long after i moved to Canberra. Anyway, so off i went, all rugged-up, because it was an icy day thinking back (brrrr) and began to take some frames.

Then all of a sudden out came this security guard wanting to know all about me and my actions. Before i knew it i was informed that i was "committing a criminal offence" and had to follow him immediately. He had my student card so i had to.. Then once inside this building him and another guard requested i remove and hand over all evidence (1x roll of b/w film) and that my details were going to be recorded. It was about then that my heart rate rose a little and i wondered if i'd be sleeping in my own bed tonight :|

Thankfully they weren't too hard on me and understood my circumstances, eventually letting me go without a charge or fine - phew!

How much worse could my day get you might ask... allow me to continue.

So now completely put-off by the idea of photographing our wonderfully paranoid and idiotic "man-made" world i decided to get back to what i love most and escape all the nonsense for a bit of beauty from the "natural world" before the sun retired for the day. 

This was going well for me until i climbed up onto the roof of my car to grab a photograph of the kids pushbike i noticed up on top of the roof of a small tin shed in the middle of no-where just off the federal highway. I got the shot no worries, but as i was positioning myself to jump down from my 4x4, the camera strap of my film camera got caught on my right boot, which yanked the camera from my grasp and sling-shoted it towards the hard gravel/dirt road beneath. I felt like crying..

Initially i thought, you beauty! it only cracked the UV filter on the lens, but then i tried to twist/adjust the focus and realised the lens was out of plum due to the impact. Bugga!! Well at least now i have an excuse to pull apart a lens and have a look at all the bits n pieces :P

PLease refer to the photos below.

It was at this point i decided to give up on today, go home, curl up in bed, go to sleep and just try to forget it ever happened.

On the way home, a phone call picked me back up again, because it was a farmer from Yass, wanting to come purchase the push bike i had advertised for sale. Long story short he drove in later that evening, checked it over, smiled, shook my hand, paid me $300 cash and was then on his way back to Yass. "You lil' ripper" i said. haha :)

After all that happened that day, it just proves that we all go through life's ups and downs from time to time. So just deal with it and try to enjoy the ride, because it often takes you through things that aren't so great before returning you to a good place again.


A busy Friday..


Well, yesterday was rather exciting for me. I submitted my first major assignment for one of Belinda's tasks - The Lens Research Assignment 

I feel proud of what i produced and do hope it is marked well. I realise i went oner the specified word limit, not sure if that's a big no-no or not, but think it's pathetic if it is, because i just got so involved in the project it seemed hard (and pointless) to cull vital information in order to stay within some specified number. It was also refreshing, because at school i would just ramble on with crap in order to reach the amount haha :)

Anyway, fingers crossed it is all well received.


Something else that needed doing was to re-acquire software applications like Photoshop and Lightroom as part of the Adobe Creative Suit.

Because the ones i had installed on my MacBookPro had expired even though i thought it was a legitiment full-version copy. I was obviously wrong about that. Anyway, i couldn't afford to purchase the rights to a full version yesterday, but after looking into it all a bit further, i realised i could simply download the software and install it as a trail-version for 30 days and then decide whether or not to purchase a key to unlock it - making it a full-blown-version. One that will not expire. This is a great set-up, as it now gives me time to put some penny's away between now and then.

Perfect timing too considering how many assignment tasks of mine require this software.


Then on the walk home i swung past Ted's Camera store in the Canberra mall to purchase more Black & White rolls of film - to replace what was ripped out of my camera by security on Wednesday. Thankfully i still have some money left over from selling my push bike and get a 10% discount on purchases for being a CIT student.


In addition to all this i dropped into the local Ticketek shop-front and purchased myself a ticket to see Boy and Bear at the ANU Bar on June 1. They are a very popular band at the moment and i look forward to enjoying their show with my friend Tamzen and a few others.


Monday 9 April 2012

Easter Saturday.


Man today was fantastic!! Exactly what i have been needing for some time now - an escape into mother-nature. Thanks goes out to Wade and Rachel for inviting me along and to all their friends, kids and dogs for adding to what was an enjoyable day venturing through the Brindabella Range's here in the great state of ACT.

I could type a lot more about today, but will instead keep the fond memories to myself. Perhaps next time i go up i will have a little more to add - perhaps a few of my new classmates can join me for a photography/camping trip. 

Anyway, please take a moment to look over the following collection of images to visually give an understanding of how my day played out :)


Sunday 1 April 2012

Trace's first visit to Canberra.


My dear friend Tracey paid me a visit from Brisbane for what proved to be a fun weekend for us both. The annual Multicultural Festival just happened to be on too, which entertained us on the Saturday, then it was off to Renaissance Sunday before a few quick tourist stops before it was time for her to depart our nation's capital :( Until next time Trace!!

Here are a collection of photographs:
