Thursday 27 September 2012

JOBY gorilla-pod for iPhone4/4s.

Fr some time now i have been interested in Time-Lapse photography/video.

Early this year i stumbled across a little product from JOBY that would allow me to make use of the application on my iPhone 4s and begin to experiment with time-lapse. I will ever be able to create a time-lapse anywhere near as good as the folks at timescapes.org with just my smart-phone and an app, but this new gismo will certainly give me a good start in the right direction.

It is a customised case that attaches to a small gorilla-pod - which keeps everything rock-steady. So simple yet so functional in so many ways.

Just the other week Simona, a classmate of mine was looking around for some remote triggers to go with the nice new speedlite she had just purchased and i let her know about the ones i have - she liked the idea and wanted to order a set - so considering they were at the same store in Sydney as this i recommended we order both and split the shipping cost. End of story.

I have used it in my apartment, at college and even in the car. It is proving to be a great little addition to the contents of my back-pocket and i look forward to using it long into the future to hopefully create some pretty cool stuff.

Great thing to have for $45 - example below.


Monday 24 September 2012

United Nations competition - awards night.

Last Tuesday (September 18, 2012) was when we students finally got to learn who the winners were for this.

It was a fun evening held at the CSIRO's office in the suburb of Acton here in Canberra. Most of the students were able to attend, which made for a good atmosphere - the free beer and wine also helped.

Anyway, how did i go? Well i didn't win any awards, but i am pleased to report that two of my three entries made it to the wall of the exhibition that evening - which i was very proud of. A number of us first-year students had our work hung, so well done everybody :]

After the gig, a few of us came back to my place for a feed, a few drinks and an enjoyable game of cards - cards against humanity was the game, and my god did it give all of us a bunch of laughs for hours! so much fun i tell ya.

So perhaps next year i can take out an award or two ay :P

Till then... here are a few snaps taken on my iPhone from the evening.


That's mine on the left.

That's mine in the middle.

A panoramic photo of the exhibition.

An extreme panoramic photo of the exhibition.

Dru's Wedding in Woolongong!

my new mate Dru Maasepp is getting married this Friday and i am grateful to be able to attend the ceremony up in Woolongong from 3pm.

This will not only make for a special occasion to whiteness, but it will also prove to be a nice way to start my two week break from college. I feel i need to get away so i'm gonna do just that.

I plan to pack the camera gear, swag, fridge full of food and spend Friday through to Sunday just following my nose and seeing where it leeds me. I'll most likely go Canberra up to Woolongong then head south along the coast as far as Bateman's Bay before heading back up to our nation's capital before sun-down on Sunday.

Can't wait to be honest, because it will allow me to re-trace parts of my trip from back in 2010 that i enjoyed so very much, only this time i will have a camera at my disposal instead of only an iphone 3g :]

Stay tuned for images,


Thursday 20 September 2012


Okay so after discussing with my classmates about the horrible trouble i was having yesterday trying to get a reliable recycle time on my speedlite with the batteries i was using whilst trying to do a range of portraits.

So many thanks to Rachel, Ben and Joel for sharing with me what they use and strongly recommend.

I ended up dropping Dru home and afterwards knee could take a quick detour through Fyshwick to drop into The Battery Factory and try purchase some of these snazzy batteries.

Thankfully the store had them in stock so i grabbed a set of AAA's and a kit that included a set of AA's and a charger that caters for both sizes of batterie for a little over $60. Which when you consider how long these batteries are said to maintain their charge, output and ability to be recharged quite quickly is a very reasonable purchase.

Here is what i grabbed.


eneloop batteries - another reason to love Japan.

Monday 10 September 2012



Went to the nearby TRANSIT BAR in Civic tonight to watch a band i that i have taken a liking to in recent months by the name of ALPINE. Their gig was part of their national tour to promote their new album A IS FOR ALPINE.

It was a great little performance, the support acts GEORGI KAY and CLUBFEET were a funky leed into what was a very energetic and upbeat ALPINE. Their was good vibes all around the bar and the band came off stage to mix and mingle with their fans afterwards which i think is always a really cool things to do :]

All in all a good night.



I was fortunate enough to score a free ticket off Gus as part of his photographic duties for the Canberra times at the XAVIER RUDD concert at the PLAYHOUSE in Canberra's National Theatre building.

The last time i saw this dude play was back in 2005 when he was the support act for Dave Mathews Band in Brisbane at the Exhibition Centre.

Man i had forgotten how much this guy can play the shit out of an instrument. He must have played at least 5 different guitars, 3 different didgeridoos, a drum kit and harmonica and nearly all at once from time to time.

It was a great concert, he's a very likeable character, a good performer etc

All in all another great night out.

