Monday 24 September 2012

United Nations competition - awards night.

Last Tuesday (September 18, 2012) was when we students finally got to learn who the winners were for this.

It was a fun evening held at the CSIRO's office in the suburb of Acton here in Canberra. Most of the students were able to attend, which made for a good atmosphere - the free beer and wine also helped.

Anyway, how did i go? Well i didn't win any awards, but i am pleased to report that two of my three entries made it to the wall of the exhibition that evening - which i was very proud of. A number of us first-year students had our work hung, so well done everybody :]

After the gig, a few of us came back to my place for a feed, a few drinks and an enjoyable game of cards - cards against humanity was the game, and my god did it give all of us a bunch of laughs for hours! so much fun i tell ya.

So perhaps next year i can take out an award or two ay :P

Till then... here are a few snaps taken on my iPhone from the evening.


That's mine on the left.

That's mine in the middle.

A panoramic photo of the exhibition.

An extreme panoramic photo of the exhibition.

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