Monday 24 September 2012

Dru's Wedding in Woolongong!

my new mate Dru Maasepp is getting married this Friday and i am grateful to be able to attend the ceremony up in Woolongong from 3pm.

This will not only make for a special occasion to whiteness, but it will also prove to be a nice way to start my two week break from college. I feel i need to get away so i'm gonna do just that.

I plan to pack the camera gear, swag, fridge full of food and spend Friday through to Sunday just following my nose and seeing where it leeds me. I'll most likely go Canberra up to Woolongong then head south along the coast as far as Bateman's Bay before heading back up to our nation's capital before sun-down on Sunday.

Can't wait to be honest, because it will allow me to re-trace parts of my trip from back in 2010 that i enjoyed so very much, only this time i will have a camera at my disposal instead of only an iphone 3g :]

Stay tuned for images,


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