Thursday 10 May 2012

all bound for Sydney-town.

Next Wednesday first year students and myself (maybe others) are heading to Sydney to take in a number of gallery exhibitions as part of the major HeadOn photo festival that's on display at the moment. I look forward to this for a number of reasons.
  1. We finally get to go on one of the many 'proposed' class exertions.
  2. Take in and learn about a number of exciting and inspirational photographers.
  3. An excuse to have a bit more of a look around Sydney.

In addition to what is listed above is the fact i get to spend two nights with my cousin and his young family and two (boxer) dogs who live in Sydney - the best part of all this being i get to meet his new baby boy, Morgan who was born in March :] This will be extra nice for me. Will definitely capture a few images whilst there and enjoy the traditional "a few rums" with Phil.


They are all smiling because they are out in nature, far
away from the madness of where they live in Sydney.

The! Three! Amigos! One of my favourite photos :]

Anyway, the information below is a post from Belinda Pratten on Facebook - Tuesday May 8, 2012 and gives us students an idea of what is planned for our day in Sydney - Wednesday, May 16 2012. Can't wait for it!

Belinda Pratten
HeadOn Festival trip Wednesday 16 May
Here is the guide for our trip next week:
FIRST STEP: Organise your car pools! If you cannot find a car to travel in then ask here on FB or talk to us and we will try and find someone for you to travel with. Talk about splitting fuel and parking costs.
To make logisitics easier I suggest we meet in Sydney at 10.30am. Last year we tried a convoy, but it didn;t work, and some people like drive through, everyone is from different parts of Canberra etc. But if you are organising a car pool then arrange a central meeting spot to leave cars and head off at the same time.
I suggest you aim to leave Canberra, or be in the Federal Highway by 6.30am, at the latest. This will give you time for a pit stop and finding a park in Camperdown. All our other venues will be in the Paddington area.

1. 10.30am Meet at:
Artsite Gallery 
155-157 Salisbury Road (corner St Mary & Probert Streets)
See and meet Megan Lewis

2. NOON: Lunch in Paddington at a cafe/pub near Australian Centre for Photography;
Suggestion for lunch (only 99metres from ACP):
The Imperial Hotel Paddington
252 Oxford Street
Paddington NSW 2021
3. 12.45pm: The Australian Centre for Photography
for 1pm: Talk by the Festival Director Moshe Rosenzveig and viewing of the HeadOn portrait prize.
4. 2pm: Barry Stern Gallery, 19 Glenmore Road, Paddington - works by Andrew Quilty. TBA if he can come and speak.
5. 2.45/3pm: Global Gallery, 5 Comber Street, Paddington - Australian Street Photography
6. 3.30/4pm: Stills Gallery, 36 Gosbell Street, Paddington - works by Pat Brassington
7. Some may want to head home after this one, to avoid traffic OR head up to Blender Gallery;
8. The hard core stayers...there is an opening at 6pm at Global Gallery.
I SUGGEST YOU PRINT THIS OFF, AND THE MAPS. Or at least the map of Paddo and a map of Camperdown.
My mobile number is 0409 428 902.

***Once you have formed your car pools please reply to this message and let me know how many vehicles are 
travelling...and numbers in each car. That way I can help anyone who hasn't got a lift.***

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