Wednesday 30 May 2012


Okay so i was so! pumped to be able to finally install Adobe's Creative Suite 6 and Lightroom 4 to my MacBook Pro today - legally and without fail :]

I had been saving up to purchase these two software packages for a few months now and it felt so goood to finally have it all come together for me. All up it cost a smidge over $460 - awesome!!

I now plan to sit down during the upcoming holiday period and learn as much as i can in my spare time about all of the applications and their functionality, to give me an advantage for the remainder of this years  assignments and any other possible work i don't yet know about.

It is quite an upgrade, but a valuable one at that. I feel because it is so very new/current i won't need to worry about upgrading for quite some time to come. I would however like to now search the internet for any downloadable plug-ins, brushes and/or filters on offer for the latest version of Photoshop - not to mention video tutorials on what is new for users in both LR4 and CS6.

Exciting times ahead i hope, but for now it's off to bed.


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