Thursday 10 May 2012

A bit crook :[

I've been suffering from a bit of a phlegm-y cough and sore throat since Monday and it is annoying the hell out of me, because it is keeping me from my study and from going to work and earn money in order to pay rent and purchase food, but i shouldn't really complain for i don't get sick much - it's just when i do i get frustrated.. 

With mum being a pharmacy supervisor and all, I usually just phone her for advice when something's not quite right, but her and the old boy are on a well-desrved holiday in New Zealand right now. 

Anyway, i have purchased some medicine that appears to be helping. 

Felt really bad today, but managed to rest-up and sleep through the afternoon. Feeling slightly better now as i type this blog entry and sure hope it is better again tomorrow, because i have heaps to do and sort out for both CIT and my own personal life.. things like ACT license before Sydney next week, assessment tasks, assignments and work.

Fingers crossed it all gets done :|


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