Tuesday 29 May 2012

Digital Sensor - clean again.

Last week i made an attempt to clean some muck from my camera's digital sensor... won't be trying to do that again ':[

After an initial panic, i was given a phone number for a person here in Canberra that apparently offered this service and had quite a good reputation for it. So i jumped on the chance and followed up on it.

Long story short, i am very pleased i did follow up on it, instead of do the usual "send it away to Canon to have it cleaned, might take up to two weeks though" option. This local guy offers overnight and is way cheaper.

He works from home, so i dropped it off to him yesterday afternoon 4:30pm and by about the same time today i collected it. So handy! All appears to be pretty shmick and it only cost me $60 cash.

He is an interesting character and sure sounds like he has a wealth of knowledge and experience. So i am grateful to him and said i would happily recommend people to him in the future.


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