Sunday 5 August 2012

bargain buy !


After collecting my car from its 25,000km service at the mechanic up in Gungahlin i dropped into SALVOS in Mitchell to donate a box of unwanted goods. After i had unloaded my items into the donation bin at the front door i thought to myself i should go in and see if they had any lightweight sweaters or jackets lying around - so i decided why not, and went in for a look.

Once inside i bumped into the guy who did an exceptional job of cleaning my digital sensor a few months back. We chatted for a while before he went on his way. That was nice.

Anyway, would you believe i then found a few light-weight sweaters and a cool jacket (which i'm wearing right now) and managed to snap them all up for only $41. Now that's hard to beat and a perfect example of pop-shop karma don't you think :]

Here a shot of my bargain buy, taken with my iPhone4s.


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