Tuesday 14 August 2012

Sydney SUX ':[


My evening in with the one and only Sir David Attenborough was 'truly remarkable' and something i will never forget to have witnessed.

The State Theatre is a unique venue. Can't say i've ever been to a theatre that fancy before.

The 15 minute walk there Saturday night was made interesting by drizzling rain, however along the way i did pass two the new Lambourgini Aventador and McLaren 12C super cars on display along William Street.

After an extremely special evening at the delightful State Theatre in the heart of Sydney, i woke to the sound of music and human voices. Once i reached the window of my motel room it became clear that all the workmen i had past on my walk to and from seeing Sir David Attenborough the night before, was actually the final stages of setting up for the annual City 2 Surf marathon. So i had masses of participants in all shapes and sizes, age groups, genders and walks of life making their way past my window - pretty cool huh.

However once i had checked out of my accomodation and made my way to my car i discovered that some cheeky bastard had busted my driver's side door lock and gotten into my car at some point between checking in on Saturday and checking out on Sunday :[ This kind of pissed me off, but thankfully the damage was only evident on the actual lock and nothing else. The thief had ransacked all parts of the vehicle, but only stole the ARB tyre deflator that i had in the door well. Even though it had left a bitter taste in my mouth, the positives from it all was the fact my car was a) still there b) not trashed c) still able to be driven home.

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