Wednesday 1 August 2012

Trip to Sydney 4 camera market.


Early this morning myself and two new friends (Alex Dickson and Malcolm Sharp) traveled up to Sydney to attend a camera fair/market that i had heard was on - in search of a bargain or two on some old film cameras.

The weather in Sydney was quite ordinary and we struck rain all day on and off, but we enjoyed getting away for the day and two of us came home with a new toy.

Here are some pictures.


Sydney was miserable - like always.

The delightfully nice LEICA M4 (body only) that
Alex purchased for just under $1000 '=|

Malcolm's effort to make Alex's camera look a little
more complete.

My effort to make Alex's camera look a little more

The RICHO XR-! camera that i bought for only $90 :] 

(31-7-2012) Just finished my first roll of 35mm film
in the newly purchased old camera. Will develop asap
and post the results.

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