Sunday 5 August 2012

PhotoAccess - volunteer :]

Today was my first stint as a volunteer at PhotoAccess over the lake in Manuka (pronounced Marn-e-ka). This is something i reckon could prove to be yet another valuable way for me to network within the art and culture scene of Canberra. By volunteering, i also gain additional access-hours at PhotoAccess to utilise their facilities, which is a fair deal i reckon.

I spent 4 hours there from mid-day until 4pm.

Think i had a total of 7 visitors, but that wasn't of any real concern to me, because it allowed me to get some research/study done for visual culture class. My first visitor was Julia Boyd, a local artist here in Canberra. A new friend of mine and regular at PhotoAccess, Robert Agostino also popped in to process some negs in the wet darkroom for his up-coming exhibition.

It was also nice to be in the luxury of central heating, because today was ICY cold outside thanks to an overcast sky and severe wind gusts. Robert and I walked out into falling sleet around 3pm, which was quite cool :]

To top things off, Robert brought in a circular polariser for me to have - for FREE!! It fits my Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens and will not only prove extremely useful at reducing unwanted glare in future outdoor photographic endeavours, but it will also double as a protective filter for the lens overall. How nice of him.

Not a bad day today. Here is a quick shot of the filter, taken with my iPhone4s.


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