Wednesday 22 August 2012

Request from Royal Canberra :]

Early Monday morning whist walking to class, i received a call from Royal Canberra Golf Club asking if i would allow them to use a selection of my photographs on their website. I was hoping that this might happen one day, because they all seemed very impressed by my photographs when i presented them to members of staff recently.

So yeah, this was very exciting and i will certainly allow them to do this as it is a great foot-in-the-door for me and i hope to build further contacts and possible business opportunities from this into the future :]

I will call them tomorrow, or maybe even go visit them in person to arrange things. The fact that i now also have a corporate portrait folio to produce i will put it to them as yet another way for me to supply them with some usable images for their website and/or future publications.

I MUST now also get some business cards organised and the coffee table book printed so they can be left at club's reception area and pro-shop as a way of marketing myself.

Let's hope this little opportunity turns into something promising!



On Friday of last week i met with the General Manager of Royal Canberra and we discussed a number of exciting opportunities to work together. I won't go into full detail in this blob entry as a way of respecting the privacy of my client, but i will say that i look forward to it all and am commencing work on the first of a few of these opportunities tomorrow morning and will be shooting all week.


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